Bailey French Bailiff
Baird Celtic Bard or Minstrel
Baldwin Teutonic Princely Friend
Barclay Old English Meadow of Birch Trees
Barnabas, Barnaby Hebrew Son of Prophecy
Baron Old English Nobleman
Barrett Teutonic Bear-Like
Barry Celtic Marksman
Bartholomew Aramaic Warlike
Basil Greek Kingly
Baxter Old English Baker
Bayard Teutonic With Red-Brown Hair
Belden Teutonic From the Fair Valley
Benedict Latin Blessed
Benjamin Hebrew Son of Right Hand
Benton Old English Moor Dweller
Bernard Germanic Stern Bear
Bert Teutonic Bright
Berton Teutonic Glorious Raven
Berwin Teutonic Warrior Friend
Bevis Teutonic Bowman
Blaine Celtic Lean or Thin
Blair Gaelic Man of Flatlands
Blake Old English Fair Complexioned
Blandon Latin Gentle
Bond Teutonic Farmer
Booth Teutonic From the Booth
Boris Slavonic Warrior
Bowen Celtic Son of Owen
Bowie Gaelic Yellow Haired One
Boyce Teutonic Woodland Dweller
Boyd, Boyden Celtic Yellow-Haired
Braden Old English From the Broad Valley
Bradley Anglo Saxon from the Broad Meadow
Brandon Anglo Saxon Quick Sword
Brant Teutonic Firebrand
Brent Old English From the Steep Hill
Bret French Native of Brittany
Brian Celtic Strong
Brice Celtic Great Ambition
Brigham Old English Dweller by the Bridge
Brock Old English The Badger
Broderick Welsh Son of Roderick
Brooke Anglo Saxon A stream
Bruce French Brushwood
Bruno Teutonic Dark Complexioned
Bryant Celtic Strong
Buck Old English The Deer
Bud Anglo Saxon Messenger
Burgess Teutonic Citizen of a Town
Burke Teutonic Castle
Burton Old English Fortress
Byron Anglo Saxon Bear