Ubadah Arabic Serves God
Ubaid Arabic Faithful
Uberto Italian Form of Hubert
Udo Japanese Ginseng Plant
Udolf English Prosperous Wolf
Ugo Italian Form fo Hugo, Hugh
Uilliam Irish Form of William
Uistean Irish Intelligent
Ulan African First-Born Twin
Uland Teutonic From the Noble Land
Ulbrecht German Form of Albert
Ulf German Wolf
Ulric Danish Wolf
Ultman Hindi God, Godlike
Ulysses Greek Angry or Wrathful
Umit Turkish Hope
Uner Turkish Famous
Unwin English Nonfriend
Upshaw English Upper Wooded Area
Upton English Upper Town
Uri Hebrew Form of Uriah
Uriah Hebrew God is my Light
Urian Greek From Heaven
Uriel Hebrew God is my light
Usamah Arabic Like a Lion
Ustin Russian Form of Justin
Uthman Arabic Companion of the Prophet
Uzi Hebrew My Strength
Uzoma Nigerian Born during a journey