Cadman Celtic Warrior
Caesar Latin Long Haired
Calder Celtic From Stony River
Caleb Hebrew Faithful Affection
Calvert Old English Shepherd
Calvin Latin Bald
Caldwell Old English Near a Cold Well
Caleb Hebrew Faithful
Calvin Latin Bald
Cameron Scottish With a Crooked Nose
Carl Teutonic Farmer
Carlin Gaelic Little Champ
Carlisle Old English From the Walled City
Carlton Old English From Carl's Farm
Carmine Latin Song
Carney Celtic Warrior
Carroll Celtic Champion
Carter Old English Cart Driver
Carver Old English Wood Carver
Cary English Fort
Casey Celtic Brave
Casper Persian Treasure
Cecil Latin Blind
Cedric Celtic Chieftain
Chad, Chadwick Celtic Warrior
Chalmers Teutonic Lord of the Household
Chandler Old French Candlemaker
Channing Old French A Canon
Chapin Old French A Clergyman
Chapman Anglo Saxon Merchant
Charles Anglo Saxon Manly
Chase French Hunter
Chatwin Old English Warlike Friend
Chauncey Latin Chancellor
Chester Old English Dweller in Fortified Town
Christian Latin A Christian
Christopher Greek Christ-Bearer
Clarence Latin Famous
Clark Latin Learned
Claude Latin Lame
Clayton, Clay Old English The Clay Farm
Clifford Anglo Saxon Near the Cliff
Clive Old English Cliff Dweller
Clyde Welsh Heard from Afar
Coleman Irish Dove
Colin Greek People's Victory
Collier Old English Miner
Colton Old English Coal Town
Con, Conan Celtic Wise
Conrad Teutonic Able in Counsel
Conroy Irish Wise Man
Conway Celtic Hound in the Plain
Corbin Latin The Raven
Corey Old Irish Residence Name
Corwin Latin The Raven
Cosmo Greek Well-Ordered
Crispin Latin Curly Haired
Crosby Teutonic Dweller by Town Cross
Culbert Teutonic Cool and Brilliant
Culver Old English Dove
Curt Latin Short or Little
Curtis French Courteous
Cuthbert Anglo Saxon Famous and Brilliant
Craig Celtic Rocky Hill
Cyril Greek Lordly
Cyrus Persian The Sun