Laban Hebrew White
Lamar Old German Famous
Lambert Teutonic Land Bright
Lamont Scandinavian Lawyer
Lancelot Germanic Land
Landon Old English Residence Name
Landry Anglo Saxon Ruler of the Place
Lane English Narrow Road
Langley Old English Residence Name
Lars **** Variant of Lawrence
Latimer Anglo-French Occupation Name
Laurence Latin Bay or Laurel Tree
Lazarus Hebrew God Will Help
Leander Greek Courageous
Lee Old English Meadow
Leighton Old English Residence Name
Leith Celtic Wide
Leland Old English Residence Name
Lemuel Hebrew Dedicated to God
Leonard, Leo, Leon Germanic Bold Lion
Leopold Teutonic Patriotic
Leroy Old French Powerful King
Leslie Celtic Residence Name
Lester Latin Camp of the Legion
Levi Hebrew United
Lew Old English Refuge
Lincoln Celtic-Latin Residence Name
Lionel Latin Lion-like
Lloyd Celtic Gray
Logan Irish Gaelic Trench or Forest
Lombard Teutonic Long-Beard
Lorenzo **** Variant of Lawrence
Loring Old German Famous in War
Lot Hebrew Veiled
Louis, Lewis German Warrior
Lowell Old English Beloved
Lucius Latin Light
Lucas, Luke Latin Luminous
Luther German Warrior
Lyle French Island
Lyndon Old English Linden Tree
Lysander Greek Liberator